Previously, the Brunei IP system was under the purview of the Registries Division, Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC). However, on 1st January 2012, the Brunei Patent Registry Office (PRO) was set up which was initiated by Brunei Economic Development Board (BEDB).
The PRO was responsible for registration of patents and act as a focal point for all patent-related matter. Nevertheless, on 1st October 2012 the Registry of Industrial Designs was transferred to PRO and this was followed by the Registry of Trademarks on 1st June 2013.
With all the Industrial Property under PRO, the Brunei Intellectual Property Office (BruIPO) was then set up on 1st June 2013.
Whereas with Copyright and Layout Designs, these two are under the purview of International Trade and Intellectual Property Unit, International Affairs Division, AGC.
Layout Designs
For further information you can email international.affairs@agc.gov.bn