Subsidiary Legislations:
| Road Traffic Regulations
| Rg 1
01-01-1956 |
| Motor Cycles (Protective Helmets) Regulations
| Rg 2 | 01-06-1979
| Road Traffic (International Circulation) Regulations
| Rg 3 | 05-11-1979
Road Traffic (Driving Instructor and Driving School) Regulations
| Rg 4
| 01-03-1987
| Motor Vehicles (Seat Belts) Regulations see also Road Traffic (Seat Belts for Children) Regulations
| Rg 5
| 01-07-1988
Road Traffic (Taximeters) Regulations
| Rg 6
Not yet commence |
Road Traffic (Removal and Immobilisation of Vehicles) Regulations
| Rg 7
| 01-06-2000
Road Traffic (Pedestrian Crossings) Regulations
| Rg 8 | 17-08-2002
| Road Traffic (Motor Vehicles (Speed Warning Device)) Regulations
| Rg 9
17-08-2002 |
| Road Traffic (Seat Belts for Children) Regulations see also Motor Vehicles (Seat Belts) Regulations
| Rg 10
| 28-01-2004
| Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) (Vocational Licences and Conduct of Drivers, Conductors and Passengers) Regulations
| Rg 11
18-02-2004 |
| Road Traffic (School Crossing Patrol) Regulations
| Rg 12 | 08-03-2006
| Road Traffic (Bicycles) Regulations
| Rg 13 |
21-03-2006 |
| Road Traffic (Identification Marks) Regulations
Rg 14 | 01-05-2010
Road Traffic (Driving Licences) Regulations
| Rg 15
01-05-2013 |
Road Traffic (Licensing of Motor Vehicles and Trailers) Regulations
Rg 16 | 01-05-2013
| Road Traffic (Registration of Motor Vehicles and Trailers) Regulations
| Rg 17
01-05-2013 |
Road Traffic (Demerit Points) Regulations
| Rg 18
| 02-09-2013
| Road Traffic (Bandar Seri Begawan Municipal Board) (Bus and Taxi Stands) Rules
| R 1
| 28-09-1963
| Road Traffic (Kuala Belait and Seria Municipal Board) (Bus and Taxi Stands) Rules
| R 2
| 29-02-1964
Road Traffic (Bandar Seri Begawan Municipal Board) (Parking Places) Rules
R 3
| 01-09-1972
| Road Traffic (Kuala Belait and Seria Municipal Board) (Parking Places) Rules
| R 4 | 01-08-1979
Road Traffic (Bandar Seri Begawan) (Private Parking Places) Rules
| R 5
| 01-07-1997
Road Traffic (Composition of Offences) Rules
| R 6
01-01-2014 |
| Road Traffic (Labi Road) (Restriction) Order
| O 1
| 01-01-1956 |
Road Traffic (Exemption) Order
| O 2
| 01-01-1956
Road Traffic (Registration Exemption) Order
| O 3
| 31-10-1957
| Road Traffic (Regulated Areas) Order
| O 4
| 23-05-1959
| Road Traffic (Forces Vehicles Exemption) Order
| O 5
| Road Traffic (Restriction) Orders
| O 6
| 01-04-1978
Road Traffic (Fire and Rescue Exemption) Order
| O 7 | |
| Road Traffic (Collection of Tolls) Order
| O 8
Road Traffic (Limit Area) (Consolidation) Notice
| N 1
| |
| Notice under rule 10 of Road Traffic (Bandar Seri Begawan Municipal Board) (Bus and Taxi Stands) Rules
| N 2
Notice of permission under regulation 18(3) of Road Traffic Regulations
| N 3 | 30-12-1981 |
| Road Traffic (Compounding of Offences) Rules, 1967 (Repealed by rule 7 Road Traffic (Composition of Offences) Rules, 2016)
S 57/1967
| Repealed
| Road Traffic (Removal of Vehicles) Rules, 1968 (Repealed by Road Traffic (Removal and Immobilisation of Vehicles) Regulations, 2000 (S 36/2000))
S 312/1968
| Repealed
| Increase in Jurisdiction [sec.94 of Road Traffic Act]
| S 28/1989
| 01-02-1989
| Road Traffic (Conversion of Speed Limits to Metric System) Regulations, 1993
| S 17/1993
30-06-1993 |
Notification: | | |
Authority to Compound Offences
| GN 295/2004 | |