CENSORSHIP OF FILMS AND PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENTS ACT [2002 Ed.] | CAP. 69 | 21-08-1962 | 6/2002 |
Subsidiary Legislation: |
Censorship of Films and Public Entertainments (Fees) Notification
| CAP.69, N 1 | 01-10-1992 | 6/2002 |
Notification of Appointment -
Appointment of Panel of Censors [sec.3(2)]
| GN 1387/2017
| 01-08-2017 until 31-07-2020
| |
Appointment of Secretary of Panel of Censors [sec.3(3)]
| GN 1388/2017 | 01-08-2017 until 31-07-2020
CENSUS ACT [2003 Ed.]
| CAP. 78 | 07-06-1947 | 3/2003 |
Subsidiary Legislation: |
Census Rules
| CAP.78, R 1 | 11-06-2001 | 3/2003 |
Census (Direction To Take Census) Notification, 2001
| CAP.78, N 1 | 11-06-2001 | 3/2003 |
CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC AND POLICY STUDIES ORDER, 2006 | S 64/2006 | 01-07-2006 | |
Notification of commencement under section 1 (1)
| S 68/2006 |
| CAP. 218 | 04-03-2006 | 6/2012 |
Subsidiary Legislation:
Child Care Centres Regulations | CAP. 218, Rg 1 | 04-03-2006 | 6/2012 |
| CAP. 219 | 01-03-2010 | 6/2012 |
Subsidiary Legislations: |
Children and Young Persons (Approved Schools and Approved Homes) Order, 2010 [sec.72(1)]:
a) Darussyafaah Puteri, Kompleks Rumah Kebajikan Belimbing, Spg 421, Jln Subok, BSB b) Darussyafaah Putera, Kompleks Rumah Kebajikan Belimbing, Spg 421, Jln Subok, BSB
| S 36/2010
| 01-03-2010 |
Children and Young Persons (Advisory Boards) Regulations, 2010
| S 35/2010
| 01-03-2010 |
Children and Young Persons (Approved Schools and Approved Homes) Regulations, 2010
| S 37/2010
| 01-03-2010 |
Children and Young Persons (Boards of Visitors) Regulations, 2010
| S 34/2010
| 01-03-2010
Children and Young Persons (Places of Safety) Regulations, 2010
| S 33/2010
| 01-03-2010 |
Children and Young Persons (Remand Home) Regulations, 2010
| S 32/2010
| 01-03-2010 |
Notification of Appointments - |
Notification of Establishment and appointment of Members of Action Team on Child Protection [sec.13]
| GN 209/2010
| 01-03-2010 |
Notification of appointment of Registrar of Children and Young Persons In Need of Protection [sec. 4] -the Superintendent of Kompleks Rumah Kebajikan Pulaie, being a supervisor
| GN 210/2010 | 01-03-2010 |
Notification of persons to exercise powers and duties of protector [sec.3]
| GN 211/2010 | 01-03-2010 |
Notification of appointment of Members of Advisory Board [sec.83(4) and 83(5)]
| GN 4/2019
| 01-01-2017 until 31-12-2018
Notification of appointment of Chairman of Advisory Board
| GN 255/2013
| 2013 until 2014
Notification of nominated panel of Advisers [sec.9(2)]
| GN 214/2010 | 01-03-2010 |
Notification of nominated Adviser [sec. 9(2)] - Hj Md Lazim Hj Metali in the place of DSS Dr Hj Awg Besar
| GN 737/2010 | 01-03-2010 |
Notification of appointment of Members of Board of Visitors [sec.75(1)] - 12 members in respect of the following:
GN 3/2019
01-01-2017 until 31-12-2018
a) Darussyafaah Puteri and Darussyafaah Putera, being approved schools, approved homes and places of detention; b) Darul Irsyad Puteri and Darul Irsyad Putera, being remand homes; c) Darussakinah Puteri and Darussakinah Putera, being places of safety |
Notification of appointment of place of detention [sec.63(1)] - Kompleks Rumah Kebajikan Belimbing, Jln Subok
| GN 216/2010 | 01-03-2010 |
Notification of appointment of remand homes [sec.61(1)]:
1. Darul Irsyad Puteri, Kompleks Rumah Kebajikan Pulaie, Jln Kebangsaan; 2. Darul Irsyad Putera, Kompleks Rumah Kebajikan Pulaie, Jln Kebangsaan | GN 217/2010 | 01-03-2010 |
Kompleks Rumah Kebajikan Belimbing, Spg 421, Jln Subok | GN 1153/2010 | 01-09-2010 |
Notification of declaration of places of safety [sec.97(1)]: |
1. Darussakinah Puteri, Kompleks Rumah Kebajikan Pulaie, Jln Kebangsaan; 2. Darussakinah Putera, Kompleks Rumah Kebajikan Pulaie, Jln Kebangsaan | GN 212/2010 | 01-03-2010 |
Kompleks Rumah Kebajikan Belimbing, Spg 421, Jln Subok, BSB | GN 1154/2010 | 01-09-2010 |
Gazetting of Welfare Homes [sec.2(1)]:
1. Kompleks Rumah Kebajikan Pulaie, Jln Kebangsaan; 2. Kompleks Rumah Kebajikan Belimbing, Spg 421, Jln Subok | GN 218/2010 | 01-03-2010 |
CHILDREN ORDER, 2000 [Corrigendum S 84/00 and Amended by S 48/03] Repealed by Children and Young Persons Order, 2006 w.e.f. 1-3-2010
| S 64/2000 | 01-09-2000 |
Notification of place of safety under section 44(1): Rumah Kanak-Kanak Darussakinah at Pulaie | GN 156/2003 | - |
Style of public office: |
Head of the Social Affairs Services Unit changed to Director of Community Development | GN 649/2003 | 08-07-2002 |
| CAP. 126 | 31-07-1955 | 1/2012 |
Subsidiary Legislation: |
Prescription of Fees
| CAP.126 |
| 1/1984 |
| S 63/2006
| 20-05-2006
Amended by - | | | |
section 93 (e) of Secured Transaction Order, 2016 | S 10/2016 | 19-12-2016 | |
Subsidiary Legislations: |
Civil Aviation Regulations, 2006
| S 69/2006 | 20-05-2006 |
Amended by -
| | | |
Civil Aviation (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 | S 73/2014
| 20-12-2014 | |
Civil Aviation (Carriage of Liquids, Aerosols and Gels) Regulations, 2007
| S 113/2008 | 27-09-2007 |
Notification of authorised person [sec.5(1)(f)] - Duties in respect of the renewal of certificate of airworthiness and aircraft survey, for fixed and rotary wings on Brunei Darussalam's registered aircraft | GN 1337/2010 |
| CAP. 33 | 01-01-1909 | 1/1984 |
| CAP. 9 | 28-04-1962 | 2/2014
| CAP.169 | 26-08-1993 | 1/1999 |
Transfer of Functions of Minister of Law to Permanent Secretary to the P.M.’s Office
| S 12/1999 | 24-02-1999 |
Subsidiary Legislations: |
Commissioners for Oaths (Fees) Order, 1994 | CAP.169 | 01-05-1994 | 1/1999 |
Appointment of Commissioners for Oaths Act
| GN 277 - 279/2015 GN 626/2016 GN 639/2017 |
| CAP. 28 | 01-01-1920 | 2/2002 |
Amended by - | | | |
Common Gaming Houses Act (Amendment) Order, 2008
| S 20/2008 | 18-02-2008 |
COMMUNITY SERVICE see Offenders (Probation and Community Service) Order, 2006 |
COMPANIES ACT [2015 Ed.] | CAP. 39 | 01-01-1957 | 2/2015 |
Amended by - | | | |
sections 246 and 247 (Consequential amendments of the Fourth Schedule) of Insolvency Order, 2016 | S 1/2016 | 01-03-2016 | |
section 93 (a) of Secured Transaction Order, 2016
| S 10/2016 | 19-12-2016 | |
Companies Act (Amendment) Order, 2016 | S 33/2016
| 30-05-2016 | |
Companies Act (Amendment) Order, 2017 | S 43/2017 | 04-05-2017 | |
Companies Act (Amendment) (No. 2) Order, 2017 Corrigendum to S 44/2017 | S 44/2017 S 52/2017 | 06-05-2017 | |
Companies Act (Amendment) Order, 2018
| S 49/2018
| 13-09-2018
| |
Articles of Association to Accompany Preceding Memorandum of Association | CAP. 39 | | 2/2015 |
Companies (Forms) Rules [11th Schedule]
| CAP. 39
| 2/2015
Companies (Judicial Management) Rules [14th Schedule]
| CAP. 39 | 06-10-2001 | 2/2015 |
Companies (Winding-Up) Rules [12th Schedule]
| CAP. 39
| 2/2015 |
Powers of The Executive Manager and Judicial Manager [13th Schedule]
| CAP. 39 | 22-07-1998 | 2/2015 |
Regulations for Management of a Company Limited by Shares [1st Schedule]
| CAP. 39
| 2/2015 |
Scale of Fees - Winding up of Companies [10th Schedule] | CAP. 39 | | 2/2015 |
Table of Fees to be paid to the Registrar [8th Schedule]
| CAP. 39
| 2/2015 |
Subsidiary Legislation:
Companies (Authorised Auditors) Rules
| CAP. 39, R 1 | 04-08-1997 | 2/2015 |
Companies (Corporate Governance) (Public Companies) Rules, 2016 | S 34/2016 | 30-05-2016 | |
Companies (Striking Off) Rules, 2018
| S 50/2018
| 13-09-2018
| |
Notification of Appointments -
Appointment of Assistant Registrars of Companies | GN 1558/2016 | | |
Appointment of Registrar of Companies [sec. 288]
| GN 609/2012 | 01-04-2012 |
Appointment of Deputy Registrars of Companies | GN 1252/2012 | 01-04-2012 |
Notification of cessation of appointment of Deputy Registrars of Companies | GN 1559/2016 | 27-04-2016 | |
Transfer of Functions
| S 31/1988
| 31-12-1988
Transfer of Functions of Minister of Law to the Registrar of Companies | S 32/1998 | 16-09-1998 | |
* Please note that there are modifications to Parts V and VI of Companies Act (Chapter 39) in their application to IBCs (First Schedule to International Business Companies Order, 2000 - S 56/00) | | | |
COMPETITION ORDER, 2015 | S 1/2015 | *01-08-2017 | |
Notification of commencement: * Part I, Part II, section 62, section 63, First Schedule, Second Schedule
| S 69/2017 |
| |
Notification of commencemnet: * Part III (Chapters 1, 2 & 6), Part IV, Part VI (sections 64 to 74), Part V, Third Schedule
| S 22/2019
| |
Notification of Appointments -
| | | |
Minister charged with the responsibility for general competition matters
| GN 950/2017
| |
Members of Competition Commission of Brunei Darussalam
| GN 951/2017
| 01-08-2017
| |
COMPULSORY EDUCATION ACT [2011 Ed] | CAP. 211 | 24-11-2007 | 7/2011 |
COMPULSORY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ACT [2012 Ed.] | CAP. 215 | 01-01-2013 | 6/2012 |
COMPUTER MISUSE ACT [2007 Ed.] | CAP. 194 | 21-06-2000 | 3/2007 |
| 20-09-1959 | 2/2011 |
Emergency (Continuation and Validation of Emergency Provisions) Order, 2004 | S 23/2004 | 08-03-2004 |
Notification of appointment of Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Economy II
| GN 1082/2018
| 27-09-2018
| |
Notification of appointment of Minister - Dato Paduka Dr. Haji Mohammad Isham bin Haji Jaafar | GN 1385/2017 | 01-12-2017 | |
Proclamation of Emergency Note : gazetted for every 2 years since 1962 [E 17/1962] | S 70/2018
Proclamation under paragraph 8 of the Second Schedule Proclamation under paragraph 8 of the Second Schedule
| S 1/2012 S 1/2017 |
Proclamation and Notice Under Article 52(2)
| S 15/2017
| 06-03-2017 |
Proclamation under section 55(1): Proclamation Dissolution of the Legislative Council Proclamation
under article 55(1)
| S 46/2004 S 14/2011
| 13-02-1984 15-03-2011
Certificate of Urgency under Article 41(1) | S 13/2017
| 28-02-2017 |
Constitution (Administrative Appeals Rules) Order, 1959 | S 103/1959 | 18-10-1959 |
Notification of date of commencement | S 120/1959 |
Amendment - repealing section 1(2) (b) | S 3/2008 | 29-09-2004 |
Constitution (District Representatives) (Conduct of Selection for Appointment) Regulations, 2005 | S 8/2005 | 08-03-2005 |
Notification of Orders Passed by The Legislative Council under Article 83(7)
| S 8/2019
Standing Orders of The Legislative Council
| Const.1 S.O. 1 | 29-09-1959 | 1/2005 |
Notification of Appointments -
Notification of appointment of Speaker of the Legislative Council - POKSLDSS Awang Haji Abdul Rahman bin Dato Setia Haji Mohamed Taib | GN 239/2017
| 13-01-2017
Notification of appointment of Clerk to the Legislative Council - POKPJDP Awang Haji Judin bin Haji Asar | GN 240/2017 | 13-01-2017 |
Deputy Clerk to the LegCo - Dayang Rose Aminah binti Hj Ismail | GN 212/2011 | 05-01-2011 |
Clerk to the Privy Council [DP Haji Judin Hj Asar] | GN 917/1989 | 23-09-1989 |
Notification of appointment of Adviser to Adat Istiadat Council | GN 310/2012
Notifiation of Members of the Adat Istiadat Council
| GN 311/2012 | 2012 - 2013
Notification of appointment of Members of the Legislative Council | GN 238/2017
| 13-01-2017 |
Deputy Clerk to the Privy Council | GN 906/2011 | 05-01-2011 |
Members of the Privy Council | GN 658/1989 |
Appointed Member of the Privy Council [Article 5 (2)(c)] - |
YTM Paduka Seri Duli Pengiran Muda Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah | GN 484/1998 | 02-07-1998 |
YDM Pehin OKSD Maj. Gen (B) Dato Seri Pahlawan Hj Mohammad bin Hj Daud | GN 287/1991 | 06-02-1991 |
Dato Seri Paduka Awang Haji Abidin bin OK Periwara Abdul Rashid | GN 799/2003 | 05-09-2002 |
YTM Paduka Seri Duli Pengiran Muda Haji 'Abdul Azim | GN 796/2011
| 07-04-2011 |
YTM Paduka Seri Duli Pengiran Muda 'Abdul Malik |
YTM Paduka Seri Duli Pengiran Muda 'Abdul Mateen |
YB POKLW DSS (Dr.) Hj Awang Abd Aziz bin BPUKDSP Hj Awang Umar |
YB PJLPR DSU Dr. Ustaz Hj Awang Mohd. Zain bin Hj Serudin |
Notification of Appointment of Selection Committee under Paragraph 5(3) of the Second Schedule | GN 1050/2016
| 06-08-2016 |
| 2/2011 |
| 01-01-1960
| 6/2004
Amended by - | | | |
Constitution (Financial Procedure) (Amendment) Order, 2008 | S 14/2008 | 04-02-2008 |
section 9 of the Sustainability Fund Order, 2008 | S 36/2008 | 13-03-2008 |
Constitution (Financial Procedure) (Amendment) Order, 2016 | S 47/2016 | 01-04-2016 | |
Constitution (Financial Procedure) (Amendment) Order, 2017 | S 66/2017 | 21-08-2017 | |
Subsidiary Legislations: |
Financial Regulations | S 1/1983 |
Amended by -
section 6 of the Constitution (Financial Procedure ) (Amendment) Order, 2003 | S 39/2003 | 01-04-2004 |
Financial (Amendment) Regulations, 2012 | S 58/2012 | 01-01-2012 |
The Constitution (Transfer of Functions and Consequential Provisions) (No. 2) Order, 1959 | S 100/1959 | 18-10-1959 |
Brunei Fishery Limits [Chapter 130] | S 14/1988 | 01-01-1988 |
Brunei Nationality Act [Chapter 16] | S 29/1995 |
Business Names Act [Chapter 92] | S 31/1988 |
Census Act [Chapter 78] | S 16/1991 |
Companies Act [Chapter 39] | S 31/1988 |
Constitution (Financial Procedure) Order, 1959 [S 101/59] | S 36/1984 |
Criminal Procedure Code [Chapter 7] | S 51/1989 |
Customs Enactment 1954 [E 5 of 1954] | S 24/1985 |
Emergency Order 1962 [E 17 of 1962]
(Transfer of Functions and Consequential Provisions) Order, 1987
| S 10/1984 | 01-01-1984 |
S 14/1987 |
Finance Companies Act [Chapter 89] | S 19/1994 |
Immigration Act [Chapter 17] | S 54/1989 |
Internal Security Enactment 1982 [E 13 of 1982] | S 10/1984 | 01-01-1984 |
Internal Security Act [Chapter 133] | S 14/1987 |
Merchant Shipping Enactment 1982 [E 16 of 1983] | S 23/1984 |
Misuse of Drugs [Chapter 27] | S 27/1987 |
National Registration Act [Chapter 19] | S 29/1995 |
Pawnbrokers Act [Chapter 63] | S 20/1990 |
Pensions Enactment and Regulations 1957 [E 23 of 1957] | S 36/1984 |
Ports Enactment 1981 [E 12 of 1981] | S 24/1985 |
Protected Areas and Protected Places Enactment 1982 [E 6 of 1983] | S 10/1984 | 01-01-1984 |
Public Order Enactment 1982 [E 13 of 1983] | S 10/1984 | 01-01-1984 |
Road Traffic Act [Chapter 68] | S 1/1992 |
Royal Brunei Armed Forces Act [Chapter 149] | S 16/1986 |
Corrigendum to S 16/86 | S 99/2008 |
Societies Enactment [Chapter 66 of 1951] | S 35/1984 |
Subordinate Courts Act [Chapter 6] | S 32/1988 |
Undesirable Publications Enactment 1982 [E 1 of 1982] | S 10/1984 | 01-01-1984 |
Women and Girls Protection Act [Chapter 120] | S 20/1993 |
Amended by -
Emergency (Prime Minister Incorporation) Order, 1984 | S 5/1984 | 01-01-1984 |
CONSULAR RELATIONS ACT [1984 Ed] | CAP. 118 | 01-01-1984 | 1/1984 |
CONSUMER PROTECTION (FAIR TRADING) ORDER, 2011 | S 64/2011 | 01-01-2012 |
Amended by -
| | | |
Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) (Amendment) Order, 2015
| S 52/2015
| 01-01-2012 | |
Subsidiary Legislations: |
Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) (Cancellation of Contracts) Regulations, 2011 | S 65/2011 | 01-01-2012 |
Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) (Opt-Out Practices) Regulations, 2011 | S 66/2011 | 01-01-2012 |
| SUP. II |
| 1/1984 |
Notification under Continental Shelf Proclamation | SUP. II, N1 |
| 1/2018 |
CONTRACTS ACT [2015 Ed] | CAP. 106 | 17-04-1939 | 1/2015 |
Amended by -
Contracts Act (Amendment) Order, 2016
| S 3/2016 | 28-01-2016 |
CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT [2015 Ed] | CAP. 84 | 01-07-1975 | 1/2015 |
Subsidiary Legislation: |
Co-operative Societies Rules | CAP. 84, R 1 | 01-07-1975 | 1/2015 |
Notification of remission of stamp duty under section 54 | CAP. 84, N 1 | | 1/2015 |
Notification of appointment as Registrar of Co-operative Societies under section 3(1) | CAP. 84, N 2 | 18-07-1996 | 1/2015 |
COPYRIGHT ORDER, 1999 [E.O.] Perintah
Darurat (Hakcipta)1999 | S 14/2000 [E] S 23/2001 [M] | 01-05-2000 |
Notification of date of commencement
| S 19/2000 |
Amended by - |
Copyright (Amendment) Order, 2013 | S 92/2013 | 04-12-2013 |
CORRUPTION see Prevention of Corruption |
COURTS see Intermediate Courts; Subordinate Courts; Supreme Courts; Syariah Courts |
| 16-06-2012 |
Amended by - | | | |
Schedule 4 of Maritime and Port Authority of Brunei Darussalam Order, 2017
| S 22/2017 | 28-09-2017 | |
CRIMINAL CONDUCT (RECOVERY OF PROCEEDS) ORDER, 2000 - Repealed by section 153(1) of the Criminal Asset Recovery Order, 2012 w.e.f 16-06-2012
| S 52/2000 | 01-07-2000 |
Corrigendum to S 52/2000 | S 8/2001 |
Amended by - |
Criminal Conduct (Recovery of Proceeds) (Amendment) Order, 2007 | S 30/2007 | 07-06-2007 | |
Subsidiary Legislation: | | | |
Criminal Conduct (Recovery of Proceeds) (Designated Countries) Order, 2008 | S 57/2008 | 27-05-2008 | |
Appointment of Reporting Authority [sec.20(2)] - |
Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Finance and Director of Financial Institutions of Ministry of Finance | GN 255/2007 | 27-02-2007 |
CRIMINAL LAW (PREVENTIVE DETENTION) ACT [2008 Ed] | CAP.150 | 26-11-1984 | 5/2008 |
Amended by -
Criminal Law (Preventive Detention) Act (Amendment) Order, 2012
| S 29/2012 | 26-03-2012 |
Transfer of Functions of Minister of Law to the Minister of Home Affairs | S 33/1998 | 16-09-1998 |
Subsidiary Legislations: |
Criminal Law (Preventive Detention) (Advisory Committees) Rules | CAP.150 R 1 | 21-05-2005 | 5/2008 |
| CAP. 7
| 01-05-1952 | 1/2016 |
Amended by -
| | | |
Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Order, 2019
| S 7/2019
| 01-01-2019
| |
Subsidiary Legislations: |
Criminal Appeals Rules 1992 | CAP. 7, R 4 | 01-07-1992 | 4/2002 |
Criminal Procedure (Allowance to Witness) Rules | CAP. 7, R 2 |
| 3/2001 |
Magistrates’ Courts (Pleading Guilty by Letter) Rules | CAP. 7, R 3 |
| 3/2001 |
Youthful Offenders (Places of Detention) Rules | CAP. 7, R 1 |
| 3/2001 |
Notification under section 11(1) conferring special jurisdiction on magistrate | CAP. 7, N 1 |
| 3/2001 |
Resolution under section 183(2) Permitting Plea of Guilty by Post | CAP. 7, Rs 1 |
| 3/2001 |
Authority to Conduct Criminal Prosecution and Inquiry – section 375(1)(a) of CPC - [Appointment of Officers from other Departments] |
1. Linda binti Arman Michael Anniah, Senior Manager, Compliance Division of Employees Trust Fund | GN 2/2017 | 16-01-2017 | |
2. Nurul Siti Diyana binti Abdullah, Head of Legal Unit, Compliance Division of Employees Trust Fund | GN 3/2017 | 16-01-2017 | |
3. Md. Rodieno bin Pehin Dato Haji Abdul Latif, Head of Enforcement Unit, Compliance Division of Employees Trust Fund | GN 4/2017 | 16-01-2017 | |
4. Haji Muhd. Nur Aiman bin Haji Aminuddin, Assistant Manager, Enforcement Unit of Employees Trust Fund | GN 5/2017 | 16-01-2017 | |
5. Husraimee bin Hussin, Assistant Manager, Assistant Manager, Enforcement Unit of Employees Trust Fund | GN 6/2017 | 16-01-2017 | |
| CAP. 202 | 01-04-2008 | 6/2014 |
CURRENCY ACT [1984 Ed] - Repealed by Currency and Monetary Order, 2004 (S 16/2004) w.e.f. 01-02-2004 | CAP. 32 | Repealed | 1/1984 |
Subsidiary legislation were made under the repealed Currency Act (Chapter 32) but were saved by section 36(2) of the Currency Order, 2004
Description of currency notes - $500 and $1000 | | | |
Cessation of currency notes and coins of the Board of Commissioners of Currency, Malaya and British Borneo to be Legal Tender in Brunei Darussalam on 16th January 1969 | S 247/1968 |
Description of coins in conjunction with the Independence of Brunei Darussalam - $10, $100 and $1,000 | S 24/1983 |
Description of proof coins 20th SEA Games Logo - $2, $20 and $200 | S 35/1999 |
Description of currency notes - $1, $5, $10, $50, $100 | S 11/1989 | 23-02-1989 |
Description of currency note $25, Description of proof coins $25, $50, $ 500 | S 37/1992 | 05-10-1992 |
Description of currency note - $500
| S 33/2000
Description of proof coins APEC 2000 Logo - $2 and $20 | S 22/2001 | 19-02-2001 |
Notification of appointment - | | | |
Appointment of Members of Brunei Currency Board | GN 878/2001 |
CURRENCY AND MONETARY ORDER, 2004, now cited as CURRENCY ORDER, 2004 as amended by S 104/10 w.e.f 01-01-2011
| S 16/2004 | 01-02-2004 |
Notification of commencement | S 17/2004 |
Corrigendum to S 16/2004 | S 71/2004 |
Amended by -
Currency and Monetary (Amendment) Order, 2005 | S 59/2005 | 01-02-2004 |
Currency and Monetary (Amendment) Order, 2007
| S 39/2007 | 30-07-2007 |
Currency and Monetary (Amendment) Order, 2010 | S 104/2010 | 01-01-2011 |
Notification under section 17(4) - |
Special commemorative gold coin of $1000 | GN 470/2006 | 15-07-2006 |
New circulation 5 cent coin | GN 1214/2010 | 29-11-2010 |
Polymer Notes $1, $5 and $10 | GN 854/2011 | 18-07-2011 |
Commemorative coins to be issued by the AMBD on 1st April 2013 | GN 252/2013
Commemorative coins to be issued by the AMBD on 23rd Feb 2014 | GN 243/2014 |
Notification of appointment - |
Appointment of Members of the Brunei Currency and Monetary Board | GN 1151/2010 | 30-08-2010 |
CUSTOMS ACT [1984 Ed.] Amended by S 23/89, S 82/00, S 52/01, S 39/06, S 24/85] - Repealed by Customs Order, 2006 (S 39/2006) w.e.f. 04-03-2006
| CAP. 36 | Repealed | 1/2017 |
Customs (ASEAN Common Effective Preferential Tariff) Order, 1999 | S 74/2000 | 01-01-1999 | |
Customs (Goods under the Early Harvest Programme) (Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-Operation between ASEAN and China) Order, 2005 | S 13/2005 | 01-01-2004 | |
Transfer of Functions | S 24/1985 | 01-01-1986 |
CUSTOMS ORDER, 2006 | S 39/2006 | 04-03-2006 |
Amended by - |
Customs (Amendment) Order, 2008 | S 98/2008 | 01-11-2008 |
Customs (Amendment) Order, 2011 | S 39/2011 | 22-06-2011 |
Customs (Amendment) Order, 2013 | S 21/2013 | 19-03-2013 |
Customs (Amendment) (No. 2) Order, 2013 | S 55/2013 | 17-06-2013 | |
Schedule 4 of Maritime and Port Authority of Brunei Darussalam Order, 2017
| S 22/2017 | 28-09-2017 | |
Customs (Amendment) Order, 2017 | S 70/2017 | 21-08-2017 | |
Customs (Amendment) (No.2) Order, 2017
| S 78/2017
| 21-09-2017 | |
Customs (Amendment) Order, 2018
| S 18/2018
| 26-03-2018 | |
Customs (Amendment) (No. 2) Order, 2018
| S 40/2018
| 28-09-2017
| |
Subsidiary Legislations: |
Customs Regulations | RESL 1956 |
Amended by -
Customs (Amendment) Regulations, 1956 | S 56/1956 | 01-07-1956 |
Customs (Amendment) Regulations, 1957 | S 119/1957 |
Order 5 of Customs Imports Duties Order, 1973 | S 34/1973 | 05-01-1973 |
Customs (Amendment) Regulations, 1968 | S 101/1968 | 01-03-1968 |
Customs (Amendment) Regulations, 1980 | S 48/1980 |
Customs (Amendment) Regulations, 2001 | S 47/2001 | 21-06-2001 |
Customs (Amendment) Regulations, 2004 | S 21/2004 | 17-03-2004 |
Customs (Amendment) Regulations, 2011 | S 63/2011 | 09-11-2011 |
Customs (Amendment) Regulations, 2012 | S 62/2012 | 12-09-2012 |
Customs (Customs Rulings) Regulations, 2013 | S 22/2013 | 19-03-2013 |
Customs Duties (Deferred Payment) Regulations, 2017
| S 76/2017
| 21-09-2017 | |
Customs (Agreement on Trade in Goods of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-operation between the Association of the South-East Asian Nations and the Republic of Korea) Order, 2008 | S 65/2008 | 01-01-2008 | |
Amended by -
Customs (Agreement on Trade in Goods od the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-operation between the Association of the South-East Asian Nations and the Republic of Korea) (Amendment) Order, 2010 | S 65/2010 | 01-01-2010 |
Customs (Agreement on Trade in Goods of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-operation between The Association of the South-East Asian Nations and The Republic of Korea) (Amendment) Order, 2016 | S 39/2016 | 01-04-2012 | |
Customs (Agreement on Trade in Goods of the Framework Agreementon Comprehensive Economic Co-Operation between The Association of the South-East Asian Nations and The Republic of Korea) (Amendment) Order, 2017
| S 20/2017
S 58/2017
| 01-04-2012 | |
Customs (Agreement on Trade in Goods of the Framework Agreementon Comprehensive Economic Co-Operation between The Association of the South-East Asian Nations and The Republic of Korea) (Amendment) (No.2) Order, 2017 | S 21/2017 | 01-01-2008 | |
Customs (Agreement on Trade in Goods of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-operation between the Association of the South-East Asian Nations and India) Order, 2010 | S 86/2010 | 01-06-2010 |
Amended by | | | |
Customs (Agreement on Trade in Goods of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-operation between the Association of the South-East Asian Nations and India) (Amendment) Order, 2016 | S 70/2016 | 01-04-2012 | |
Customs (Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Partnership among Member States of The Association of Southeast Asian Nations and Japan) Order, 2008
| S 126/2008
| 01-01-2009 |
Amended by | | | |
Customs (Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Partnership Among Member States of The Association of Southeast Asian Nations and Japan) (Amendment) Order, 2017 | S 18/2017 | 01-04-2012 | |
Customs (ASEAN Common Effective Preferential Tariffs) Order, 2005 | S 78/2005 | 01-01-2004 |
Customs (ASEAN Common Effective Preferential Tariffs) Order, 2010 | S 83/2010 | 01-01-2010 |
Customs (ASEAN Common Effective Preferential Tariffs) (ASEAN Framework Agreement for the Integration of Priority Sectors) Order, 2008 | S 66/2008 | 01-01-2007 |
Customs (ASEAN Common Effective Preferential Tariffs) (ASEAN Integration System of Preferences) Order, 2006 | S 3/2007 |
Customs (ASEAN Preferential Trading Arrangement) Order 1988 | S 24/1989 |
Customs (ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement) Order, 2010 | S 89/2010 | 01-01-2010 |
Notification of commencement of S 89/10
| S 3/2011
Amended by - |
Customs (ASEAN Trade In Goods Agreement) (Amendment) Order, 2013 | S 47/2013 | not yet in force |
Customs (Brunei-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement) Order, 2008 | S 62/2008 | 31-07-2008 |
Notification of date of commencement of S 62/08 | S 64/2008 |
Amended by - | | | |
Customs (Brunei-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement)(Amendment) Order, 2017 | S 17/2017 | 01-04-2012 | |
Customs (Compoundable Offences) Regulations | RESL 1956 |
Customs (Customs Transit) Rules, 2006 | S 51/2006 | 22-03-2006 |
Amended by - |
Customs (Customs Transit) (Amendment) Rules, 2009 | S 15/2009 | 01-04-2009 |
Notification of commencement of S 15/09 | S 17/2009 |
Customs (Customs Transit) (Amendment) Rules, 2017 | S 71/2017 | | |
Customs (Establishment of Customs Warehouse and Warehouse Rent) (Brunei International Airport) Order, 1981 | S 141/1981 |
Customs (Establishments of Customs Warehouses and Warehouse Rent) Order | RESL 1956 |
Customs (Exemption) Order, 2011 | S 58/2011 | 01-01-2008 |
Customs (Fees) Regulations, 2013 | S 56/2013 | | |
Customs (Forms) Regulations, 1957 | S 118/1957 |
Customs (Goods under the Early Harvest Programme) (Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-operation between ASEAN and China) Order, 2010 | S 74/2010
| 01-01-2010 |
Customs (Government Wharf Dues) Regulations, 1957 | S 43/1957 |
Customs (Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement) Order, 2008 | S 108/2008 | 12-07-2006 |
Customs Import Duties Order, 2007 [Note: The Customs Import Duties Order, 1973 (S 34/1973) are revoked] | S 45/2007 | 01-01-2008 |
Notification of date of commencement of S 45/07 | S 62/2007 |
Amended by -
Customs Import Duties (Amendment) Order 2008 | S 19/2008 | 01-01-2008 |
Customs Import Duties (Amendment) (No.2) Order 2008 | S 115/2008 |
Date of commencement of 1st Schedule of S 115/08 | S 120/2008 | 01-12-2008 |
Date of commencement of Part A of 2nd Schedule of S 115/08 | S 115/2008 | 01-01-2008 |
Customs Import Duties (Amendment) Order, 2010 | S 90/2010 | 01-11-2010 |
Customs Import Duties (Amendment) Order, 2012 | S 37/2012
| 01-04-2012 |
Customs Import Duties (Amendment) (No.2) Order, 2012 | S 64/2012
| 01-04-2012 |
Customs Import Duties (Amendment) Order, 2016 | S 36/2016 | 01-04-2012 | |
Customs Import Duties (Amendment) Order, 2017 | S 24/2017 | 01-04-2012 | |
Customs Import Duties (Amendment) (No. 2) Order, 2017 | S 25/2017 | 01-04-2017 | |
Customs Import Duties (Amendment) (No. 3) Order, 2017 | S 59/2017 | 03-07-2017 | |
Notification of commencement of S 59/2017
| S 15/2018
| |
Customs Import Duties (Amendment) (No. 4) Order, 2017 | S 84/2017 | 31-10-2016 | |
Customs (Agreement on Trade in Goods of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-operation between the Association of the South-East Asian Nations and The People's Republic of China) Order, 2006 | S 92/2006 | 01-07-2005 |
Amended by -
Custom (Agreement on Trade in Goods of the Framework Agreement on Comperhensive Economic Co-operation between the Association of the South-East Asian Nations and The People's Republic of China) (Amendment) Order, 2010
| S 73/2010 | 01-01-2010 |
Customs (Agreement on Trade in Goods of the Framework Agreementon Comprehensive Economic Co-Operation between The Association of the South-East Asian Nations and The People's Republic of China) (Amendment) Order, 2017 | S 16/2017 | 01-04-2012 | |
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) Order | RESL 1956 |
Amended by -
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) Order, 1956
| S 42/1956 |
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment No.2) Order, 1956
| S 7/1957 |
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) Order, 1958
| S 26/1958 |
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) Order, 1962
| S 168/1962 | 13-06-1962 |
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) Order, 1969
| S 8/1970 |
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) Order, 1971
| S 115/1971 |
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) Order, 1972
| S 14/1972 |
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) Order, 1972
| S 141/1972 | 01-10-1972 |
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) Order, 1974
| S 121/1974 | 22-07-1974 |
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) Order, 1977
| S 45/1977 | 01-01-1977 |
Corrigendum to S 45/77
| S 68/1977
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) Order, 1978
| S 44/1978 |
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) Order, 1978
| S 123/1978 |
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) Order, 1980
| S 47/1980 |
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) Order, 1989 | S 53/1989
| 13-11-1989
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) Order, 1990
| S 19/1990 | 01-01-1991 |
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) Order, 1990
| S 32/1990 | 01-12-1990 |
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) Order, 1995
| S 13/1995 | 29-05-1995 |
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) Order, 1995
| S 18/1995 |
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) (No.2) Order, 1995
| S 19/1995 |
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) Order, 2005
| S 53/2006 | 03-02-2005 |
Customs (Prohibition and Restriction on Imports and Exports) (Amendment) Order, 2017 | S 31/2017 | 01-04-2017 | |
Approved Abbatoirs for purpose of slaughtering of cattle and recognised as halal and is, therefore not subject to the restriction on importation
| GN 434/1995 |
GN 580/1997 |
GN 635/1999 |
Approved Abbatoirs for purpose of slaughtering of chicken and recognised as halal and is, therefore not subject to the restriction on importation
| GN 582/1997 |
Cancellation of approval abbatoirs: | GN 581/1997 |
GN 676/1998 |
Customs (Trade in Goods for the Agreement Establishing the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area) Order, 2010
| S 50/2010 | 01-01-2010 |
Amended by - | | | |
Customs (Trade in Goods for the Agreement Establishing the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area) (Amendment) Order, 2016 | S 40/2016 | 01-04-2012 | |
Customs (Valuation of Imported Goods) Rules, 2001
| S 53/2001 | 01-09-2001 |