TABUNG AMANAH PEKERJA ACT [1999 Ed.] - refer to EMPLOYEE TRUST ACT | CAP. 167 | 01-01-1993 | 1/1999 |
TABUNG AMANAH PEKERJA BOARD ORDER, 2016 | S 2/2016 | 01-04-2014 | |
Notification of Appointments: | | | |
Notification of appointment of Managing Director
| GN 89/2019
| 01-01-2018 until 06-03-2018
| |
Notification of appointment of members of Board of Directors of Tabung Amanah Pekerja Board
| GN 90/2019
| 01-01-2018 until 06-03-2018 | |
Notification of appointment of members of Board of Directors of Tabung Amanah Pekerja Board
| GN 91/2019
| 07-03-2018 until 03-04-2018
| |
TAKAFUL ORDER, 2008 | S 100/2008 | 30-09-2008 |
Notification of date of commencement
| S 112/2008 |
Amended by -
Takaful (Amendment) Order, 2009 | S 40/2009 | 30-09-2008 |
section 79 of Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam Order, 2010 | S 103/2010 | 01-01-2011 |
Takaful (Amendment) Order, 2015 | S 39/2015 | 23-06-2015 | |
section 247 (Consequential amendments of the Fourth Schedule) of Insolvency Order, 2016 | S 1/2016 | 01-03-2016 | |
Takaful Regulations, 2008 | S 101/2008 | 30-09-2008 |
Amended by - | | | |
Takaful (Amendment) Regulations, 2015 | S 40/2015 | 01-07-2015 | |
Notification of registration of Brunei Darussalam takaful operators | GN 356/2015
Notification of appointment of Authority [ sec. 4(1) ] - |
Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance to be the Authority | GN 627/2008 |
TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT [1984 Ed.] - Repealed by the Telecommunications Order, 2001 (S 38/2001) w.e.f 01-04-2006 | CAP. 54 | Repealed | 1/1984 |
Subsidiary Legislations: |
Telegraph Regulations | CAP. 54 | 01-11-1974 | 1/1984 |
Satellite Radiocommunication Apparatus Regulations 1988 - Repealed by sec. 88 of Telecommunications (Radio-Communication) Regulations, 2013
| S 5/1989 | 01-08-1992 |
Notification of Date of coming into operation | S 30/1992 |
TELECOMMUNICATIONS ORDER, 2001 | S 38/2001 | 01-04-2006 | |
Notification under section 1(1) - Date of Commencement | S 33/2006 |
Subsidiary Legislation: |
Telecommunications (Exemption from Sections 33,34(1)(b) and 35) Notification, 2018
| S 39/2018
| 01-04-2018
| |
Telecommunications (Radio-Communication) Regulations, 2013 | S 86/2013 | 04-12-2013 |
Notification of authorised officers - sec.62(1) | GN 406/2015 | | |
Corrigendum S 37/2001
| S 25/2006 |
Notification under section 1(1) - Date of Commencement | S 34/2006 |
Order under section 2 - succession date for the purpose of section 3 | S 35/2006 | 01-04-2006 | |
Nomination under section 3(1)(a) - Telekom Brunei Bhd as the telecommunication successor company | S 36/2006 |
TERRITORIAL WATERS OF BRUNEI ACT [2002 Ed.] | CAP. 138 | 10-02-1983 | 4/2002 |
Subsidiary Legislation: |
Notification under section 3 (map indicating the areas of territorial waters) | CAP.138, N 1 |
| 4/2002 |
TOBACCO ORDER, 2005 | S 49/2005 | 01-06-2008 |
Notification of date of commencement under section 1(1) | S 45/2008 |
Subsidiary Legislation: |
Tobacco (Composition of Offences) Regulations, 2007 | S 38/2007 | 01-06-2008 |
Tobacco (Labelling) Regulations, 2007 | S 37/2007 | 01-12-2008 |
Amended by - |
Tobacco (Labelling) (Amendment) Regulations, 2008 | S 46/2008 |
Tobacco (Labelling) (Amendment) Regulations, 2012 | S 22/2012
| 01-09-2012 |
Tobacco (Licencing of Importers, Wholesalers and Retailers) Regulations, 2007 | S 36/2007 | 01-06-2008 |
Tobacco (Prohibition in Certain Places) Notification, 2007 | S 35/2007 | 01-06-2008 |
Amended by -
Tobacco (Prohibition in Certain Places) (Amendment) Notification, 2012 | S 23/2012
| 01-03-2012 |
Notification of appointment of authorised officers [s.23(1)] | GN 1097/2017
| 01-06-2017 until 31-08-2020 |
TOKYO CONVENTION ACT [2008 Ed.] | CAP.198 | 24-05-2000 | 7/2008 |
TOURISM ORDER, 2016 | S 68/2016 | 26-10-2016 | |
TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (DEVELOPMENT CONTROL) ACT [1984 Ed.] - Repealed by Town and Country Planning Order, 2015 (S 61/2015) w.e.f. 01-01-2017 | CAP.143 | 19-09-1972 | 1/1984 |
Ameded by -
| | | |
Town and Country Planning (Development Control) Act (Amendment) Order, 2016
| S 51/2016
| 15-03-2016 | |
Subsidiary Legislations: |
Town and Country Planning (Control of Development and Use of Land and Buildings) Regulations | CAP.143 | 25-05-1974 | 1/1984 |
Town and Country Planning (Control of Subdivision and Consolidation of Land) Regulations | CAP.143 | 12-05-1973 | 1/1984 |
Town and Country Planning (Development Control) (Control of Advertisments) Regulations, 2008 - Repealed by sec. 14 of the Building Control (Advertisement, Billboard and Signboard) Regulations, 2016 | S 56/2008
| 01-07-2008 |
Notification of date of commencement of S 56/08 | S 105/2008 |
Town and Country Planning (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations | CAP.143 | 25-05-1974 | 1/1984 |
Declaration under section 3 (Development Control Area) : |
Subok Development Control Area | S 69/1975 |
Amended by - | S 74/1978 |
Main Road Development Control Areas - 500 yards each side from the centre line of the following roads : | S 152/1974 | Note: |
Area 1 - Jalan Gadong from BSB Municipal Boundary to the Eastern boundary Gadong Estate | the Development |
Area 2 - Jalan Berakas from the BSB Municipal Boundary to the entrance of Berakas Camp | Control Areas |
Area 3 - Jalan Kota Batu from its junction with Jalan Muara to BSB Municipal Boundary | (in red colour) |
Area 4 - Jalan Seria from Tutong District Boundary to Sungai Bera | are |
Area 5 - Jalan Tutong form Brunei/Muara District Boundary to Tutong Municipal Boundary | revoked |
Jalan Penghubung Tungku Development Control Area | GN 508/2001 | by |
Tapak Diplomatik Jalan Kebangsaan Control Area | GN 510/2001 | GN 107/2010 |
Jalan Berakas Development Control Area | GN 512/2001 |
Seria - Tutong (Extension) Development Control Area
| GN 348/2008 |
Telisai - Danau Development Control Area | GN 349/2008 |
Subdivision Development Control Area - The whole of the State of Brunei to be a Development Control Area | S 153/1974 |
Muara Development Control Area | S 49/1975 |
Jalan Muara Development Control Area | S 5/1987 |
Jalan Penghubung Kiulap – Pusar Ulak Development Control Area | GN 506/2001 |
The whole of Brunei Darussalam not being within a Municipal Board area should be subject to development control to be a Development Control Area
| GN 107/2010
| 01-02-2010 |
Notification of appointment of Competent Authority |
Subdivision and Consolidation Control Competent Authority in respect of the "Subdivision Development Control Area" | GN 474/2014 | 01-04-2014
Development Control Authority (Main Roads) in respect of the "Main Road" | S 155/1974 |
Development Control Areas | S 20/1975 |
Muara Development Control Competent Authority | S 50/1975 |
Subok Development Control Competent Authority | S 70/1975 |
Jalan Muara Development Control Competent Authority | S 6/1987 |
Jalan Penghubung Kiulap – Pusar Ulak Development Control Competent Authority | GN 507/2001 |
Tapak Diplomatik Jalan Kebangsaan Development Competent Authority | GN 511/2001 |
Jalan Berakas Development Control Competent Authority | GN. 513/2001 |
Seria - Tutong (Extension) Development Control Area Competent Authority | GN 347/2008 |
Telisai - Danau Development Control Area Competent Authority | GN 346/2008 |
Development Control Area declared on 1/2/2010 | GN 106/2010 |
Authority for Building and Construction Industry (ABCi) to be the Development Control Competent Authority (Land and Building) | GN 97/2015
| 01-12-2014 | |
Notice - |
Notice following the declaration of the Main Road Development Control Areas [S 152/74] | S 156/1974 |
Notice following the declaration of the whole State of Brunei as a Subdivision Development Contol Area [S 153/74] | S 157/1974 |
TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ORDER, 2015 | S 61/2015 | 01-01-2017 | |
Notification of commencement
| S 31/2018
| | |
Subsidiary Legislation:
| | | |
Notification of appointment of Planning Authority [sec. 6(1)]
| GN 772/2018
| 01-01-2017
| |
Town and Country Planning (Composition of Offences) Regulations, 2018
| S 37/2018
| 01-01-2017
| |
| S 40/2014
| 01-01-2019
| |
Notification of commencement
| S 5/2019
| |
TRADE DISPUTES ACT [1984 Ed.] | CAP. 129 | 21-01-1962 | 1/1984 |
TRADE MARKS ACT [2000 Ed.] | CAP. 98 | 01-06-2000 except sec. 75-81 | 2/2000 |
Amended by -
Trade Marks Act (Amendment) Order, 2014 | S 42/2014
| 01-06-2013 | |
Trade Marks Act (Amendment) Order, 2017 | S 3/2017 | 26-01-2017 | |
Trade Marks Act (Amendment) (No. 2) Order, 2017 | S 89/2017 | 21-03-2017 | |
Subsidiary Legislation: | | | |
Trade Marks Rules | CAP. 98 | 01-06-2000 | 2/2000 |
Amended by - | | | |
Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules, 2017 | S 4/2017 | 26-01-2017 | |
Trade Marks (Importation of Infringing Goods) Regulations | CAP. 98 | 01-06-2000 | 2/2000 |
Trade Marks (International Registration) Rules, 2018
| S 29/2018
| 21-03-2017
| |
Notification of Appointments:
| | | |
Appointment of Registrar of Trade Marks
| GN 955/2017
| 21-03-2017
Appointment of Deputy Registrar of Trade Marks
| GN 956/2017
| 21-03-2017
| |
Appointment of Deputy Registrars of Trade Marks
| GN 1023/2014
| 01-06-2013 until 28-02-2014
Cessation of Assistant Registrar of Trade Marks
| GN 1162/2017 | 01-01-2016
| |
Appointment of Assistant Registrar of Trade Marks
| GN 40/2018 | 21-03-2017 | |
TRADE UNIONS ACT [1984 Ed.] | CAP. 128 | 20-01-1962 | 1/1984 |
Trade Unions Act (Amendment) Order, 2015
| S 51/2015
| 20-10-2015 | |
Subsidiary Legislation: |
Trade Unions (Accounting Procedure) Regulations | CAP.128 | 17-07-1962 | 1/1984 |
Trade Unions (Registration) Regulations | CAP.128 | 20-02-1962 | 1/1984 |
Commissioner of Labour as Registrar of Trade Unions | S 34/1962 | 20-01-1962 |
List of Registered Trade Unions:
| S 247/1962 S 177/1968 S 156/1972
| 17-07-1962 16-05-1968 19-07-1972
TRAFFICKING AND SMUGGLING OF PERSONS ORDER, 2004 | S 82/2004 | 20-12-2004 | |
TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONS OF THE MINISTER OF LAW ACT [2000 Ed.] | CAP.186 | 16-09-1998 | 2/2000 |
Transfer of Function of Minister of Law : |
Chapter 13, 39, 72, 92, 98, sec. 16(3) and 48 of S 32/94 | S 32/1998 | 16-09-1998 |
Chapter 150 | S 33/1998 | 16-09-1998 |
Chapter 1, S 14/84, S 57/89, S 4/91, S 21/93, S 33/95, S 11/96 | S 12/1999 | 24-02-1999 |
Chapter 7, 22, 67, 108, and Rules of Supreme Court of Chapter 5 | S 37/1999 | 26-07-1999 |
TRAVEL AGENTS ACT [1984 Ed.] - Repealed by Tourism Order, 2016 [S 68/2016] w.e.f. 26-10-2016 | CAP. 103 | 01-01-1982 | 1/1984 |
Amended by - |
Travel Agents Act (Amendment) Order, 2012 | S 96/2012
| 07-03-1995 |
Subsidiary legislation was made under the repealed Travel Agents Act (Chapter 103) but was saved by section 49(1) of the Tourism Order, 2016 (S 68/2016) |
Travel Agents Regulations | CAP. 103 | 01-01-1982 | 1/1984 |
Amended by - |
Travel Agents (Amendment) Regulations, 2013 | S 67/2013 | 07-03-1995 |
Notification of appointment -
| | | |
Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources to be the Authority for the purpose of the Act [sec. 5 (1)] | GN 865/2013 | 07-03-1995 |
Notification of appointment of person to assist Authority [sec. 5(2)] | GN 642/2014
| 01-01-2014 | |
TRESPASS ON ROYAL PROPERTY ACT [1984 Ed.] | CAP. 23 | 01-01-1918 | 1/1984 |
Amended by -
| | | |
Trespass (Amendment) Order, 2014
| S 52/2014
| 07-10-2014 | |