EDUCATION ACT [2011 Ed.] | CAP. 210 | 20-12-2003 | 6/2011 |
Subsidiary Legislations:
Education (Registration of Educational Institutions) Regulations | CAP. 210, Rg 1 | 24-01-2004 | 6/2011 |
Education (Management of Educational Institutions) Regulations | CAP. 210, Rg 2 | 24-01-2004 | 6/2011 |
Education (School Associations) Regulations | CAP. 210, Rg 3 | 24-01-2004 | 6/2011 |
Education (Publications and Multi Media Materials) Regulations | CAP. 210, Rg 4 | 24-01-2004 | 6/2011 |
Education (Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)) Regulations | CAP. 210, Rg 5 | 24-01-2004 | 6/2011 |
Education (School Discipline) Regulations | CAP. 210, Rg 6 | 24-01-2004 | 6/2011 |
Amended by -
| | | |
Education (School Discipline) (Amendment) Regulations, 2018
| S 38/2018
| |
Education (Appeals) Regulations | CAP. 210, Rg 7 | 24-01-2004 | 6/2011 |
Education (School Terms, School Days and School Holidays) Regulations | CAP. 210, Rg 8 | 24-01-2004 | 6/2011 |
Education (School Admission and School Register) Regulations | CAP. 210, Rg 9 | 24-01-2004 | 6/2011 |
Education (National Curriculum) Regulations | CAP. 210, Rg 10 | 24-01-2004 | 6/2011 |
Education (Registration of Teachers) Regulations | CAP. 210, Rg 11 | 24-01-2004 | 6/2011 |
Education (Instrument of Government) Regulations | CAP. 210, Rg 12 | 24-01-2004 | 6/2011 |
Appointment: |
Director General of Education - Pg Hajah Hairani PML Pg Muda Abd Kahar | GN 285/2004 | 18-03-2004 |
Registrar General of Educational Institutions and Teachers - Director General of Education | GN 288/2004 | 18-03-2004 |
Deputy Registrar General of Educational Institutional and Teachers - Director of Schools | GN 286/2004 | 18-03-2004 |
Registrar of Educational Institutions and Teachers - Datin Hajah Asmah Haji Abd Rahman | GN 289/2004 | 18-03-2004 |
Director of Schools' Inspectorate - Dr. Haji Mahali bin Hj Momin | GN 287/2004 | 18-03-2004 |
Assistant Registrar of Educational Institutions and Teachers | GN 290/2004 | 18-03-2004 |
Inspector of Schools | GN 291/2004 | 18-03-2004 |
District Education Officer | GN 292/2004 | 18-03-2004 |
Authority to Investigate [sec. 133(1)] : |
Haji Sabli bin Haji Momin | GN. 244/2005 | 02-01-2005 |
Hajah Zaliha binti Haji Ibrahim | GN. 245/2005 | 02-01-2005 |
EDUCATION (BRUNEI BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS) ACT [1984 Ed.] | CAP. 56 | 01-01-1975 | 1/1984 |
EDUCATION (NON-GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS) ACT [1984 Ed.] | CAP. 55 | Repealed [20-12-2003] | 1/1984 |
ELECTION OFFENCES ACT [1984 Ed.] | CAP. 26 | 28-04-1962 | 1/1984 |
ELECTRICITY ACT [2011 Ed.] | CAP. 71 | 05-03-1973 | 5/2011 |
ELECTRICITY ORDER, 2017 | S 51/2017 | Not yet commenced | |
ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS ACT [2008 Ed.] | CAP. 196 | 01-05-2001 except Part X | 4/2008 |
EMBLEMS AND NAMES (PREVENTION OF IMPROPER USE) ACT [1984 Ed.] | CAP. 94 | 18-01-1968 | 1/1984 |
EMERGENCY ORDERS | E.17 of 1962 |
EMERGENCY REGULATIONS ACT [1984 Ed.] | CAP. 21 | 21-02-1933 | 1/1984 |
Note: The Emergency Regulations (Supplies), 1946 (BRON 9/1946, 6 August 1946), added to RESL 1956 by Corrigendum, and the order made thereunder which are mentioned in the Schedule to S 68/59 were revoked by S 68/59. | | | |
EMPLOYEE TRUST ACT [ formerly known as TABUNG AMANAH PEKERJA ACT ] | CAP. 167 | 01-01-1993 | 1/1999 |
Amended by - |
Tabung Amanah Pekerja Act (Amendment) Order, 1999 | S 9/1999 | 03-02-1999 | |
Tabung Amanah Pekerja Act (Amendment) Order, 2000 | S 9/2000 | 24-01-2000 | |
Tabung Amanah Pekerja Act (Amendment) Order, 2003 | S 16/2003 | 24-03-2003 | |
Tabung Amanah Pekerja Act (Amendment) Order, 2007 | S 2/2007 | 10-01-2007 | |
Tabung Amanah Pekerja Act (Amendment) Order, 2010 | S 6/2010 | 05-01-2010 | |
Tabung Amanah Pekerja Act (Amendment) Order, 2014 - Corrigendum
| S 27/2014 S 54/2014 | 12-10-2013 | |
Tabung Amanah Pekerja Act (Amendment) (No. 2) Order, 2014 | S 29/2014 | 01-04-2014 | |
Tabung Amanah Pekerja (Amendment) Order, 2015 | S 29/2015 | 13-04-2015 | |
section 27 (Fourth Schedule) of Tabung Amanah Pekerja Board Order, 2016 | S 2/2016 | 01-04-2014 | |
Subsidiary Legislations: | | | |
Tabung Amanah Pekerja Rules, 1999 | S 10/1999 | 13-03-1999 | |
Amended by - | | | |
Tabung Amanah Pekerja (Amendment) Rules 2010 | S 7/2010 | 05-01-2010 | |
Tabung Amanah Pekerja (Amendment) Rules 2013 | S 7/2013 | 20-02-2013 | |
Tabung Amanah Pekerja (Amendment) Rules 2015 | S 30/2015 | 29-04-2015 | |
section 27 (Fourth Schedule) of Tabung Amanah Pekerja Board, 2016 | S 2/2016 | 01-04-2014 | |
Tabung Amanah Pekerja (Definition of Employees) Order | CAP. 167 | 01-01-1993 | 1/1999 |
Amended by - | | | |
section 27 (Fourth Schedule) of Tabung Amanah Pekerja Board, 2016 | S 2/2016 | 01-04-2014 | |
Tabung Amanah Pekerja (Rates of Contribution) Regulations | CAP. 167 | 01-01-1993 | 1/1999 |
Notification of Chairman of Lembaga TAP | GN 1156/2010 | 10-06-2010 until 29-02-2012 | |
Notification of appointment of members of Lembaga Tabung Amanah Pekerja | GN 70/2015 | 2 years w.e.f 12-10-2013
| |
Notification of appointment of the representative of AG to be a member of Lembaga TAP in the place of the Solicitor General
| GN 78/2012 | 27-12-2011 until 20-02-2012 | |
Notification of Appointment of Inspectors [sec.5(1)] | GN 425/2011 | 14-12-2010 | |
EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES ORDER, 2004 | S 84/2004 | 20-12-2004 | |
Subsidiary Legislation: |
Employment Agencies (Forms, Fees and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations, 2004 | S 85/2004 | 20-12-2004 |
EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION ACT [1984 Ed.] | CAP. 99 | 15-05-1974 | 1/1984 |
Subsidiary Legislation: |
Notification by the Commissioner of Labour under section 3(1) | CAP.99 |
EMPLOYMENT ORDER, 2009 | S 37/2009 | 03-09-2009 |
Amended by -
Employment (Amendment) Order, 2012 | S 35/2012 | 01-01-2011 |
Employment (Amendment) Order, 2014 | S 31/2014 | 04-06-2014 |
Employment (Amendment) Order, 2015
| S 50/2015
| 20-10-2015 | |
Employment (Amendment) (No.2) Order, 2015 | S 62/2015 | 21-12-2015 | |
Employment (Amendment) Order, 2017 | S 68/2017 | 21-08-2017 | |
Subsidiary Legislation: |
Employment (Composititon of Offences) Regulations, 2017 | S 87/2017 | 12-12-2017 | |
Employment (Domestic Workers) Regulations, 2009 | S 39/2009 | 03-09-2009 |
Amended by - |
Employment (Domestic Workers) (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 | S 32/2014 | 11-06-2014 |
Notification of delegation under section 4(1) | GN 1453/11
| 15-12-2011 |
EVIDENCE ACT [2014 Ed.] | CAP. 108 | 17-04-1939 | 4/2014 |
| 19-09-2016 | |
EXCHANGE CONTROL ACT [1984 Ed.] - Repealed by S 70/00 | CAP. 141 | Repealed | 1/1984 |
Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance as Controller of Foreign Exchange | GN 949/94 | 01-01-1984 | |
EXCHANGE CONTROL (REPEAL) ORDER, 2000 | S 70/2000 | 01-07-2000 |
Notification under section 1 | S 5/2001 |
EXCISE ACT [1984 Ed.] - Repealed by Excise Order, 2006 (S 40/2006) w.e.f. 04-03-2006
| CAP. 37 | Repealed | 1/1984 |
Subsidiary Legislation: | | | |
Excise (Duties) Notification | CAP. 37 | 01-03-1940 | 1/1984 |
EXCISE ORDER, 2006 | S 40/2006 | 04-03-2006 |
Amended by - | | | |
Schedule 4 of Maritime and Port Authority of Brunei Darussalam Order, 2017
| S 22/2017 | 28-09-2017 | |
Excise (Amendment) Order, 2017
| S 77/2017 | 21-09-2017 | |
Excise (Amendment) Order, 2018 | S 17/2018
| 26-03-2018 | |
Excise (Amendment) (No. 2) Order, 2018
| S 41/2018
| 28-09-2017
| |
Subsidiary Legislation:
Excise Duties Order, 2007 | S 26/2007 | 01-01-2008 |
Notification of date of commencement | S 63/2007 |
Amended by -
Excise Duties (Amendment) Order, 2008 | S 114/2008 |
Date of commencement of 1st Schedule of S 114/08 | S 119/2008 | 01-12-2008 |
Date of commencement of Part A of 2nd Schedule of S 114/08 | S 114/2008 | 01-01-2008 |
Excise Duties (Amendment) Order, 2010
| S 91/2010
| 01-11-2010 |
Excise (Exemption) Order, 2011 | S 59/2011 | 01-01-2008 |
Excise Duties (Amendment) Order, 2012 | S 65/2012
| 01-04-2012 |
Excise Duties (Amendment) Order, 2016
| S 52/2016
| 01-04-2012 | |
Excise Duties (Amendment) Order, 2017 | S 26/2017 | 01-04-2012 | |
Excise Duties (Amendment) (No. 2) Order, 2017 | S 27/2017 | 01-04-2017 | |
Excise Duties (Amendment) (No. 3) Order, 2017 | S 60/2017 | 03-07-2017 |
Notification of commencement of S 60/2017 | S 16/2018 | | |
Excise Duties (Amendment) (No. 4) Order, 2017 | S 83/2017 | 31-10-2016 | |
Excise (Exemption) Order, 2011
| S 59/2011
| 01-01-2008 | |
Excise Duties (Deferred Payment) Regulations, 2017
| S 75/2017
| 21-09-2017 | |
EXPLOSIVES see Arms and Explosives Act |
EXTRADITION ACT [1984 Ed.] - Repealed by the Extraditon Order, 2006 (S 10/2006) w.e.f 07-02-2006 | CAP. 8 | Repealed | 1/1984 |
EXTRADITION ORDER, 2006 | S 10/2006 | 07-02-2006 |
| 1/1999 |
Date of Commencement for Singapore | S 15/1984 | 19-05-1984 |
Date of Commencement for Malaysia | S 37/1984 | 01-11-1984 |