| S 67/2018
| 01-04-2017
| |
RECIPROCAL ENFORCEMENT OF FOREIGN JUDGMENTS ACT [2000 Ed.] | CAP.177 | 27-03-1996 | 1/2000 |
Order under section 3 | CAP. 177 | 22-03-1997 | 1/2000 |
RECORD KEEPING (BUSINESS) ORDER, 2015 | S 43/2015 | 23-06-2015 | |
Notification of appointment of Competent Authority - Permanent Secretary to MoF | GN 648/2015 | 23-06-2015 | |
Notification under section 1(1) | S 61/2000 |
Corrigendum to S 54/2000 | S 10/2001 |
Amended by - | | | |
section 79 of Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam Order, 2010 | S 103/2010 | 01-01-2011 | |
Registered Agents and Trustees Licensing (Amendment) Order, 2016 | S 43/2016 | 02-08-2016 | |
Appointment: |
Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Finance to be the Authority for the purpose of the Order | GN 368/2000 | 01-07-2001 |
REGISTRATION OF ADOPTIONS ACT [2003 Ed.] | CAP. 123 | 01-01-1962 | 1/2003 |
Subsidiary Legislation: |
Registration of Adoptions Rules | CAP.123, R 1 | 01-01-1962 |
REGISTRATION OF GUESTS ACT [1984 Ed.] | CAP. 122 | 01-07-1974 | 1/1984 |
Subsidiary Legislation: |
Registration of Guests (Furnishing of Returns) Rules | CAP. 122 | 01-03-1975 | 1/1984 |
REGISTRATION OF MARRIAGES ACT [2002 Ed.] | CAP.124 | 01-01-1962 | 4/2002 |
Subsidiary Legislation: |
Registration of Marriages Rules | CAP.124, R 1 | 01-01-1962 | 4/2002 |
Notification of appointment - |
Attorney General to be Registrar General of Marriages | S 49/1962 | 20-01-1962 |
Assistant Attorney General to be Registrar of Marriages for the State | S 50/1962 | 20-01-1962 |
Appointment of Registrars of Marriages - sec. 2(1) | GN 491/1988 | 01-09-1988 |
Appointment of Registrars of Marriages - sec. 2(2) | GN 245/2017 | 01-09-1988 | |
RELIGIOUS COUNCIL AND KADIS COURTS ACT [1984 Ed.] | CAP. 77 | 01-02-1956 | 1/1984 |
Amended by - |
Emergency (Religious Council and Kadis Courts Act (Amendment) Order, 1987 | S 1/1988 | 01-01-1988 |
Emergency (Religious Council and Kadis Courts Act (Amendment) Order, 1990 | S 31/1990 | 01-10-1990 |
sec. 33 of the Emergency (Syariah Courts) Order, 1998 | S 37/1998 | 26-03-2001 |
sec. 146 of the Emergency (Islamic Family Law) Order, 1999 | S 12/2000 | 26-03-2001 |
Religious Council and Kadis Courts Act (Amendment) Order, 2003 | S 24/2003 | 24-04-2003 |
sec. 13 of the Syariah Courts (Amendment) Order, 2005 | S 17/2005 | 24-03-2005 |
sec. 238 of Syariah Courts Civil Procedure Order, 2005
| S 75/2016
| 06-04-2005 |
sec. 254 of the Syariah Penal Code Order, 2013 | S 69/2013
| 01-05-2014 |
Religious Council and Kadis Courts Act (Amendment) Order, 2014 | S 15/2014 | 01-05-2014 |
sec. 381 of Syariah Courts Criminal Procedure Code Order, 2018 | S 9/2018 | 01-01-2019
| |
Subsidiary Legislations: |
Constitution of the Court of Kathi for Brunei Muara District at BSB [s.46] | GN 445/1982 S 22/1984 | 24-03-1956 |
Religious Council and Kathis Courts (Ascertainment of Religious) Rules, 1957 | S 34/1957 |
Religious Council and Kathis Courts (Converts) Rules, 1957 | S 35/1957 |
Amendment: | S 1/2004 | 19-01-2004 |
Religious Council and Kathis Courts (Naming of Mosques) Rules, 1973 | S 62/1973 |
Religious Council and Kathis Courts (Pegawai Masjid) Rules, 1956 | S 72/1956 |
Religious Council and Kathis Courts (Wakaf of Mosques Sites) Rules, 1974 | S 122/1974 |
Appointment: |
Mufti Kerajaan - PTI DPSS Ustaz Hj Awang Abdul Aziz bin Juned | GN 951/1994 | 01-09-1994 |
Authority to prosecute in the Kadis Courts [s.68(a)] | GN 309/1998 | 01-07-1998 |
GN 285/1999 | 01-11-2000 |
GN 137/2001 |
Chief Inspectors of Religious Affairs to prosecute in Kadis Court | GN.717/1999 | 15-01-1988 |
Brunei Muara Districts Kadi | GN 284/1999 |
Chief Registrar of Muslim Marriages
| GN. 398/2001 |
Registrar of Muslim Marriages
| GN. 399/2001 |
Jurunikah under section 137(1) | GN. 582/1998 | 05-05-1998 |
Members of the Religious Council – section 13(1) | GN 173/2015 | 01-08-2014 - 31-07-2017
GN 1240/2010 | 14-10-2010 - 31-07-2011 |
GN 1241/2010 | 13-11-2010 - 31-07-2011 |
Members of the Legal Committee of the Religious Council for 3 years – section 41(2) | GN 1046/2011
| 16-07-2011 - 15-07-2014
Members of the Pilgrimage Advisory Committee | GN 44/1988 | 16-10-1987 |
Fatwa : |
5 Questionnaires | GN 238/1964 |
Undang-Undang Hukum Anak Zina dalam Ugama Islam | GN 301/1967 |
Pergerakan FREE MASON | GN 264/1987 |
Ajaran Salah – SAIHONI BIN TASIPAN | GN 486/2002 |
Ajaran Salah – AL-MA’UNAH | GN 487/2002 |
Ajaran Abdul Razak bin Muhammad | GN 488/2002 |
Hukum Rokok dan Merokok | GN 439/2014 |
REMUNERATION - see LEGCO (Remuneration and Privileges) Act and Interpretation and General Clauses Act |
RETIREMENT AGE ORDER, 2010 | S 4/2010 | 01-01-2010 |
Retirement Age (Exemption) Notification, 2010 | S 5/2010 | 01-01-2010 |
ROAD TRAFFIC ACT [2007 Ed] | CAP. 68 | 01-01-1956 | 1/2007 |
Amended by - |
Road Traffic Act (Amendment) Order, 2004 | S 39/2004 | Not yet in force |
Road Traffic Act (Amendment) Order, 2008
| S 59/2008 | 27-05-2008 |
Road Traffic Act (Amendment) Order, 2013 | S 63/2013 | 02-09-2013 |
Road Traffic Act (Amendment) Order, 2017
| S 80/2017
| 14-08-2017 | |
Road Traffic (Speed Limit Directions) Regulations
| CAP. 68
| 18-10-2004
| |
Road Traffic (Limit Area) Regulations - Road Traffic (Limit Area) Notice, 2004 - Road Traffic (Limit Area) Notice, 2008
| CAP. 68 S 20/2004 S 104/2008
| 01-01-1956 26-02-2004 01-11-2008
| |
Subsidiary Legislations: |
Motor Cycles (Protective Helmets) Regulations, 1977 | S 42/1977 | 01-06-1979 |
Amended by - |
Motor Cycles (Protective Helmets) (Amendment) Regulations, 1977 | S 49/1979
| 01-06-1979 |
Motor Cycles (Protective Helmets) (Amendment) Regulations, 2004 | S 25/2004 | 27-03-2004 |
Motor Vehicles (Seat Belts) Regulations 1988 see also Road Traffic (Seat Belts for Children) Regulations, 2004 | S 14/1989 |
Road Traffic (Bandar Seri Begawan Municipal Board) (Parking Places) Rules 1972 | S 128/1972 |
Amendments: S 120/77; S 100/79; S 29/83; S 31/83; S 29/90; S 38/92 | S 15/1995 | 01-07-1995 |
| S 66/2005 | 26-11-2005 |
Deleting items 4,16,17,18,20,30,31,32 of the Schedule | S 98/2006 | 30-12-2006 |
Amended rule 2, 3, 5, 6, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, Schedule; new rule 4A, 5A to 5F, 12A, 31; Repealed rule 7,8,9,10,11,12,24,30 | S 25/2007 | 08-05-2007 |
Road Traffic (Bandar Seri Begawan) (Private Parking Places) Rules 1997 | S 13/1997 | 01-07-1997 | |
Road Traffic (Bandar Seri Begawan) (Private Parking Places) (Amendment) Rules, 1999 | S 32/1999 | 01-08-1999 | |
Corrigenda to S 32/1999 | S 39/1999 |
Road Traffic (Bicycles) Regulations, 2006 | S 50/2006 | 21-03-2006 |
Road Traffic (Brunei Town Municipal Board) (Bus and Taxi Stands) Rules, 1963 Corrigenda to S 160/63
| S 160/1963 S 7/1964
Amended by -
Road Traffic (Brunei Town Municipal Board) (Bus and Taxi Stands) (Amendment) Rules, 1969
| S 89/1969 |
Road Traffic (Collection of Tolls) Order, 2000 | S 32/2000 | 01-04-2000 |
Authorisation of appointment of toll-collectors [paragraph 6] | GN 557/2008 |
Road Traffic (Compounding of Offences) Rules - Repealed by sec. 7 of S 60/2016 w.e.f 01-01-2014 | S 57/1967 |
Amended by : S 94/1970; S 55/1981 |
Road Traffic (Composition of Offences) Rules, 2016 | S 60/2016 | 01-01-2014 | |
Road Traffic (Conversion of Speed Limits to Metric System) Regulations, 1993 | S 17/1993 | 30-06-1993 |
Road Traffic (Demerit Points) Regulations, 2013 | S 64/2013 | 02-09-2013 |
Road Traffic (Driving Instructor and Driving School) Regulations, 1987 | S 3/1988 |
Road Traffic (Driving Licences) Regulations, 2013 | S 23/2013 | 01-05-2013 |
Road Traffic (Licensing of Motor Vehicles and Trailers) Regulations, 2013 | S 24/2013 | 01-05-2013 |
Road Traffic (Registration of Motor Vehicles and Trailers) Regulations, 2013 | S 25/2013 | 01-05-2013 |
Road Traffic (Exemption) Order | RESL 1956 |
Amended by - | S 107/1957 |
Road Traffic (Fire Brigade Exemption) Order | S 111/1981 |
Road Traffic (Forces Vehicles Exemption) Order | S 34/1966 |
Road Traffic (Identification Marks) Regulations, 2008 Notification of commencement of S 73/08 | S 73/2008 S 54/2010 | 01-05-2010
Road Traffic (International Circulation) Regulation | S 131/1979 |
Corrigenda to S 131/79 | S 193/1981 |
Road Traffic (Kuala Belait / Seria Municipal Board) (Bus and Taxi Stands) Rules 1963 | S 35/1964 |
Amendment: | S 250/1965 |
Road Traffic (Kuala Belait and Seria Municipal Board) (Parking Places) Rules, 1979 | S 99/1979 |
Amendments: S 19/1989; S 9/1990; S 16/1990; S 26/1992; S 25/1993; | S 34/1994 | 01-01-1995 |
| S 53/2008 | 15-04-2008 |
Road Traffic (Motor Vehicles [Speed Warning Device]) Regulations, 2002 | S 46/2002 | 17-08-2002 |
Road Traffic (Pedestrian Crossings) Regulations, 2002 | S 45/2002 | 17-08-2002 |
Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) (Vocational Licences and Conduct of Drivers, Conductors and Passengers) Regulations, 2004 | S 18/2004 | 18-02-2004 |
Road Traffic (Registration Exemption) Order | S 108/1957 |
Road Traffic (Regulated Area) Order | S 65/1959 |
Road Traffic Regulations [2007 Ed] Corrigendum to Rg 1 | Rg 1 S 48/2010 | 01-01-1956
| 2/2007
Amended by - |
Road Traffic (Amendment) Regulations, 2004
| S 40/2004 | Not yet in force |
Reg. 17 of Road Traffic (Identification Marks) Regulations, 2008
| S 73/2008
| 01-05-2010 |
Decription of tinted glass to be used or fitted to the windscreen or window of a motor vehicle [reg. 18(3)] | S 191/1981 |
Road Traffic (Removal of Vehicles) Rules, 1968 | S 312/1968 | Repealed by S 36/2000 |
Road Traffic (Removal and Immobilisation of Vehicles) Regulations 2000 | S 36/2000 | 01-06-2000 |
Road Traffic (Restriction) Orders, 1977 [vehicles not permitted on beach] | S 121/1978 | 01-04-1978 |
Road Traffic (School Crossing Patrol) Regulations, 2006 | S 32/2006 | 08-03-2006 |
Road Traffic (Seat-Belts for Children) Regulations, 2004 see also Motor Vehicles (Seat Belts) Regulations, 1988 | S 14/2004 | 28-01-2004 |
Road Traffic (Taximeters) Regulations 1992 | S 29/1992 | Not yet in force |
Increase in Jurisdiction [sec.94] | S 28/1989 | 01-02-1989 |
Authority to Compound Offences | GN 295/2004 |
ROYAL BRUNEI ARMED FORCES ACT [2018 Ed.] | CAP. 149 | 01-01-1984 | 1/2018 |
Subsidiary Legislations: |
Royal Brunei Armed Forces (Pensions) Regulations
| CAP. 149, Rg 1 | 20-12-1986 | 1/2018 |
Royal Brunei Armed Forces (Military Cadets) Regulations | CAP. 149, Rg 2 | 24-09-1998 | 1/2018 |
Royal Brunei Armed Forces (Investigation) (Lost or Damaged Property) Regulations | CAP. 149, Rg 3 | 18-09-2004 | 1/2018 |
Royal Brunei Armed Forces (Summary Jurisdiction) Regulations
| CAP. 149, Rg 4 | 28-01-2006 | 1/2018 |
Royal Brunei Armed Forces Regulations | CAP. 149, Rg 5 | 01-08-2011 | 1/2018 |
Royal Brunei Armed Forces (Board of Inquiry) Rules | CAP. 149, R 1 | 18-09-2004 | 1/2018 |
Royal Brunei Armed Forces (Imprisonment and Detention) Rules | CAP. 149, R 2 | 12-01-2006 | 1/2018 |
Royal Brunei Armed Forces Rules of Procedure | CAP. 149, R 3 | 12-01-2006 | 1/2018 |
Direction under regulation 19(3) of Royal Brunei Armed Forces (Pensions) Regulations | CAP. 149, D 1
| 1/2018 |
Direction under regulation 3(4) of Royal Brunei Armed Forces (Pensions) Regulations | CAP. 149, D 2 | | 1/2018 |
Appointment of Attorney General as the Judge Advocate General of the Armed Forces and the Reserve Regiment | GN 56/2005 | 18-02-1993 |
Appointment of Judge Advocates at Courts-Martial [sec. 124(3)(b)] | GN 1/2006 GN 640/2017 |
Director of Logistics to be Competent Authority for the purposes of section 132 and 134 of RBAF Act | GN 453/2004 |
Membership of the Board of Directors of RBTS Sdn Bhd | GN 384/2001 | 22-02-2001 |
ROYAL BRUNEI POLICE FORCE ACT [1984 Ed.] | CAP. 50 | 31-12-1983 | 1/1984 |
Subsidiary Legislations: |
Police Regulations 1958 | S 59/1958 | 18-03-1959 [S 33/59] |
Amendments: S 99/59, S 149/64, S 167/65, S.284/65, S 300/68, | S 174/1975 |
S 62/71, S 136/71, S 157/71, S 85/75, S 129/75, | S 20/2000 | 05-04-2000 |
Reg. 36(2) | S 64/2007 | 24-12-2007 |
Police (Constitution of Police Districts) Regulations, 1959 | S 145/1969 |
Royal Brunei Police Force (Police Commission) Regulations, 2002 | S 24/2002 | 21-03-2002 | |
Amended by - |
section 15 of Royal Brunei Police Force (Disciplinary Proceedings) Regulations, 2003
| S 19/2003
| 30-04-2003 |
Royal Brunei Police Force (Disciplinary Proceedings) Regulations, 2003 | S 19/2003 | 30-04-2003 |
Appointment of Members of RBPF Commission [for 3 years] | GN 1079/2014
| 21-3-2014 until 20-03-2017 |
Appointment of Secretary of RBPF Commission [for 3 years] | GN 685/2002 | 21-03-2002 |
Notification of appointment of members of Royal Brunei Police Force Commission [sec.39(1)] for 3 years | GN 641/2017 | 21-03-2017 until 20-03-2020 | |
| 1/1984 |
The Most Honourable Order of the Crown of Brunei | SUP. V.1 |
| 1/1984 |
The Most Esteemed Family Order | SUP. V.2 |
| 1/1984 |
The Most Blessed Order of Setia Negara Brunei | SUP. V.3 |
| 1/1984 |
The Most Gallant Order of Pahlawan Negara Brunei | SUP. V.4 |
| 1/1984 |
The Most Faithful Order of Perwira Negara Brunei | SUP. V.5 |
| 1/1984 |
The Brunei Meritorious Service Medal | SUP. V.6 |
| 1/1984 |
RUBBER DEALERS ACT [1984 Ed.] | CAP. 64 | 01-01-1921 | 1/1984 |
Rubber Dealers (Licensed Dealers and Fees) Rules | CAP. 64 |
| 1/1984 |
Appointment of Director of Agriculture as Licensing Officer
| CAP. 64 |
| 1/1984 |