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​S 67/2018
Order under section 3CAP. 17722-03-19971/2000
RECORD KEEPING (BUSINESS) ORDER, 2015​S 43/2015​23-06-2015​
​Notification of appointment of Competent Authority - Permanent Secretary to MoF​GN 648/2015​23-06-2015​
Notification under section 1(1)S 61/2000

Corrigendum to S 54/2000S 10/2001

​Amended by -
section 79 of Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam Order, 2010​​S 103/2010​01-01-2011
​Registered Agents and Trustees Licensing (Amendment) Order, 2016​​S 43/2016​02-08-2016

Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Finance to be the Authority for the purpose of the OrderGN 368/200001-07-2001
REGISTRATION OF ADOPTIONS ACT [2003 Ed.]CAP. 12301-01-19621/2003
Subsidiary Legislation:

Registration of Adoptions RulesCAP.123, R 101-01-1962
REGISTRATION OF GUESTS ACT [1984 Ed.]CAP. 12201-07-19741/1984
Subsidiary Legislation:

Registration of Guests (Furnishing of Returns) RulesCAP. 12201-03-19751/1984
REGISTRATION OF MARRIAGES ACT [2002 Ed.]CAP.12401-01-19624/2002
Subsidiary Legislation:

Registration of Marriages RulesCAP.124, R 101-01-19624/2002
Notification of appointment -

Attorney General to be Registrar General of MarriagesS 49/196220-01-1962
Assistant Attorney General to be Registrar of Marriages for the StateS 50/196220-01-1962
Appointment of Registrars of Marriages - sec. 2(1)GN 491/198801-09-1988
​Appointment of Registrars of Marriages - sec. 2(2)​GN 245/2017​01-09-1988
RELIGIOUS COUNCIL AND KADIS COURTS ACT [1984 Ed.]​CAP. 77​01-02-1956​1/1984
Amended by -

Emergency (Religious Council and Kadis Courts Act (Amendment) Order, 1987S 1/198801-01-1988
Emergency (Religious Council and Kadis Courts Act (Amendment) Order, 1990S 31/199001-10-1990
sec. 33 of the Emergency (Syariah Courts) Order, 1998S 37/199826-03-2001
sec. 146 of the Emergency (Islamic Family Law) Order, 1999S 12/200026-03-2001
Religious Council and Kadis Courts Act (Amendment) Order, 2003S 24/200324-04-2003
sec. 13 of the Syariah Courts (Amendment) Order, 2005S 17/200524-03-2005
sec. 238 of Syariah Courts Civil Procedure Order, 2005
S 75/2016
sec. 254 of the Syariah Penal Code Order, 2013S 69/2013
Religious Council and Kadis Courts Act (Amendment) Order, 2014S 15/201401-05-2014
​sec. 381 of Syariah Courts Criminal Procedure Code Order, 2018​S 9/2018​01-01-2019
Subsidiary Legislations:

Constitution of the Court of Kathi for Brunei Muara District at BSB [s.46]GN 445/1982
S 22/1984
Religious Council and Kathis Courts (Ascertainment of Religious) Rules, 1957S 34/1957

Religious Council and Kathis Courts (Converts) Rules, 1957S 35/1957

Amendment: S 1/200419-01-2004
Religious Council and Kathis Courts (Naming of Mosques) Rules, 1973S 62/1973

Religious Council and Kathis Courts (Pegawai Masjid) Rules, 1956S 72/1956

Religious Council and Kathis Courts (Wakaf of Mosques Sites) Rules, 1974S 122/1974


Mufti Kerajaan - PTI DPSS Ustaz Hj Awang Abdul Aziz bin JunedGN 951/199401-09-1994
Authority to prosecute in the Kadis Courts [s.68(a)]GN 309/199801-07-1998
GN 285/199901-11-2000
GN 137/2001

Chief Inspectors of Religious Affairs to prosecute in Kadis CourtGN.717/199915-01-1988
Brunei Muara Districts KadiGN 284/1999

Chief Registrar of Muslim Marriages
GN. 398/2001

Registrar of Muslim Marriages
GN. 399/2001

Jurunikah under section 137(1)GN. 582/199805-05-1998
Members of the Religious Council – section 13(1)

GN 173/2015

01-08-2014 - 31-07-2017

GN 1240/201014-10-2010 - 31-07-2011
GN 1241/201013-11-2010 - 31-07-2011
Members of the Legal Committee of the Religious Council for 3 years – section 41(2) GN 1046/2011
16-07-2011 - 15-07-2014

Members of the Pilgrimage Advisory CommitteeGN 44/198816-10-1987
Fatwa :

5 QuestionnairesGN 238/1964

Undang-Undang Hukum Anak Zina dalam Ugama IslamGN 301/1967

Pergerakan FREE MASONGN 264/1987

Ajaran Salah – SAIHONI BIN TASIPANGN 486/2002

Ajaran Salah – AL-MA’UNAHGN 487/2002

Ajaran Abdul Razak bin MuhammadGN 488/2002

Hukum Rokok dan MerokokGN 439/2014

REMUNERATION - see LEGCO (Remuneration and Privileges) Act and Interpretation and General Clauses Act

RETIREMENT AGE ORDER, 2010S 4/201001-01-2010
Retirement Age (Exemption) Notification, 2010S 5/201001-01-2010
ROAD TRAFFIC ACT [2007 Ed]CAP. 6801-01-19561/2007
Amended by -

Road Traffic Act (Amendment) Order, 2004 S 39/2004Not yet in force
Road Traffic Act (Amendment) Order, 2008
S 59/200827-05-2008
Road Traffic Act (Amendment) Order, 2013S 63/201302-09-2013
Road Traffic Act (Amendment) Order, 2017
​S 80/2017
Road Traffic (Speed Limit Directions) Regulations
​CAP. 68
​Road Traffic (Limit Area) Regulations
Road Traffic (Limit Area) Notice, 2004
Road Traffic (Limit Area) Notice, 2008
​CAP. 68
S 20/2004
S 104/2008
Subsidiary Legislations:

Motor Cycles (Protective Helmets) Regulations, 1977S 42/197701-06-1979
Amended by -

Motor Cycles (Protective Helmets) (Amendment) Regulations, 1977S 49/1979
Motor Cycles (Protective Helmets) (Amendment) Regulations, 2004S 25/200427-03-2004
Motor Vehicles (Seat Belts) Regulations 1988
see also
Road Traffic (Seat Belts for Children) Regulations, 2004
S 14/1989

Road Traffic (Bandar Seri Begawan Municipal Board) (Parking Places) Rules 1972S 128/1972

Amendments: S 120/77; S 100/79; S 29/83; S 31/83; S 29/90; S 38/92 S 15/199501-07-1995

S 66/200526-11-2005
Deleting items 4,16,17,18,20,30,31,32 of the ScheduleS 98/200630-12-2006
Amended rule 2, 3, 5, 6, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, Schedule;
new rule 4A, 5A to 5F, 12A, 31; Repealed rule 7,8,9,10,11,12,24,30
S 25/200708-05-2007
Road Traffic (Bandar Seri Begawan) (Private Parking Places) Rules 1997​S 13/1997​01-07-1997

Road Traffic (Bandar Seri Begawan) (Private Parking Places) (Amendment) Rules, 1999​S 32/1999​01-08-1999
Corrigenda to S 32/1999S 39/1999

Road Traffic (Bicycles) Regulations, 2006S 50/200621-03-2006
Road Traffic (Brunei Town Municipal Board) (Bus and Taxi Stands) Rules, 1963
Corrigenda to S 160/63
S 160/1963
S 7/1964

Amended by - 

Road Traffic (Brunei Town Municipal Board) (Bus and Taxi Stands) (Amendment) Rules, 1969
S 89/1969

Road Traffic (Collection of Tolls) Order, 2000S 32/200001-04-2000
Authorisation of appointment of toll-collectors [paragraph 6]GN 557/2008

Road Traffic (Compounding of Offences) Rules
- Repealed by sec. 7 of S 60/2016 w.e.f 01-01-2014
S 57/1967

Amended by : S 94/1970; S 55/1981

Road Traffic (Composition of Offences) Rules, 2016​S 60/2016​01-01-2014
Road Traffic (Conversion of Speed Limits to Metric System) Regulations, 1993S 17/199330-06-1993
Road Traffic (Demerit Points) Regulations, 2013S 64/201302-09-2013
Road Traffic (Driving Instructor and Driving School) Regulations, 1987S 3/1988

Road Traffic (Driving Licences) Regulations, 2013S 23/201301-05-2013
Road Traffic (Licensing of Motor Vehicles and Trailers) Regulations, 2013S 24/201301-05-2013
Road Traffic (Registration of Motor Vehicles and Trailers) Regulations, 2013S 25/201301-05-2013
Road Traffic (Exemption) OrderRESL 1956

Amended by -S 107/1957

Road Traffic (Fire Brigade Exemption) OrderS 111/1981

Road Traffic (Forces Vehicles Exemption) OrderS 34/1966

Road Traffic (Identification Marks) Regulations, 2008
Notification of commencement of S 73/08
S 73/2008
S 54/2010

Road Traffic (International Circulation) RegulationS 131/1979

Corrigenda to S 131/79S 193/1981

Road Traffic (Kuala Belait / Seria Municipal Board) (Bus and Taxi Stands) Rules 1963S 35/1964

Amendment: S 250/1965

Road Traffic (Kuala Belait and Seria Municipal Board) (Parking Places) Rules, 1979S 99/1979

Amendments: S 19/1989; S 9/1990; S 16/1990; S 26/1992; S 25/1993; S 34/199401-01-1995

S 53/200815-04-2008
Road Traffic (Motor Vehicles [Speed Warning Device]) Regulations, 2002S 46/200217-08-2002
Road Traffic (Pedestrian Crossings) Regulations, 2002S 45/200217-08-2002
Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) (Vocational Licences and Conduct of Drivers, Conductors and Passengers) Regulations, 2004S 18/200418-02-2004
Road Traffic (Registration Exemption) OrderS 108/1957

Road Traffic (Regulated Area) OrderS 65/1959

Road Traffic Regulations [2007 Ed]
Corrigendum to Rg 1
Rg 1
S 48/2010


Amended by -

Road Traffic (Amendment) Regulations, 2004
S 40/2004Not yet in force
Reg. 17 of Road Traffic (Identification Marks) Regulations, 2008
S 73/2008
Decription of tinted glass to be used or fitted to the windscreen or window of a motor vehicle [reg. 18(3)]S 191/1981

Road Traffic (Removal of Vehicles) Rules, 1968S 312/1968Repealed by
S 36/2000

Road Traffic (Removal and Immobilisation of Vehicles) Regulations 2000S 36/200001-06-2000
Road Traffic (Restriction) Orders, 1977 [vehicles not permitted on beach]S 121/197801-04-1978
Road Traffic (School Crossing Patrol) Regulations, 2006S 32/200608-03-2006
Road Traffic (Seat-Belts for Children) Regulations, 2004
see also
Motor Vehicles (Seat Belts) Regulations, 1988
S 14/200428-01-2004
Road Traffic (Taximeters) Regulations 1992S 29/1992Not yet in force
Increase in Jurisdiction [sec.94]S 28/198901-02-1989
Authority to Compound OffencesGN 295/2004

ROYAL BRUNEI ARMED FORCES ACT [2018 Ed.]CAP. 14901-01-19841/2018
Subsidiary Legislations:

Royal Brunei Armed Forces (Pensions) Regulations
​CAP. 149, Rg 1​20-12-1986​1/2018
Royal Brunei Armed Forces (Military Cadets) Regulations​CAP. 149, Rg 2​24-09-1998​1/2018
Royal Brunei Armed Forces (Investigation) (Lost or Damaged Property) Regulations​​CAP. 149, Rg 3​18-09-2004​1/2018
Royal Brunei Armed Forces (Summary Jurisdiction) Regulations
​CAP. 149, Rg 4​28-01-2006​1/2018
Royal Brunei Armed Forces RegulationsCAP. 149, Rg 501-08-20111/2018
Royal Brunei Armed Forces (Board of Inquiry) Rules​CAP. 149, R 1​18-09-2004​1/2018
Royal Brunei Armed Forces (Imprisonment and Detention) Rules​CAP. 149, R 2​12-01-2006​1/2018
Royal Brunei Armed Forces Rules of ProcedureCAP. 149, R 312-01-20061/2018
Direction under regulation 19(3) of Royal Brunei Armed Forces (Pensions) RegulationsCAP. 149, D 1

Direction under regulation 3(4) of Royal Brunei Armed Forces (Pensions) Regulations​CAP. 149, D 2​1/2018
Appointment of Attorney General as the Judge Advocate General of the Armed Forces and the Reserve RegimentGN 56/200518-02-1993
Appointment of Judge Advocates at Courts-Martial [sec. 124(3)(b)]GN 1/2006
GN 640/2017

Director of Logistics to be Competent Authority for the purposes of section 132 and 134 of RBAF Act GN 453/2004

Membership of the Board of Directors of RBTS Sdn BhdGN 384/200122-02-2001
ROYAL BRUNEI POLICE FORCE ACT [1984 Ed.]CAP. 5031-12-19831/1984
Subsidiary Legislations:

Police Regulations 1958S 59/195818-03-1959
[S 33/59]

Amendments: S 99/59, S 149/64, S 167/65, S.284/65, S 300/68, S 174/1975

S 62/71, S 136/71, S 157/71, S 85/75, S 129/75, S 20/200005-04-2000
Reg. 36(2)S 64/200724-12-2007
Police (Constitution of Police Districts) Regulations, 1959S 145/1969

Royal Brunei Police Force (Police Commission) Regulations, 2002​S 24/2002​21-03-2002
Amended by -

section 15 of Royal Brunei Police Force (Disciplinary Proceedings) Regulations, 2003
S 19/2003
Royal Brunei Police Force (Disciplinary Proceedings) Regulations, 2003S 19/2003 30-04-2003
Appointment of Members of RBPF Commission [for 3 years]GN 1079/2014
21-3-2014 until 20-03-2017
Appointment of Secretary of RBPF Commission [for 3 years]GN 685/200221-03-2002
​Notification of appointment  of members of Royal Brunei Police Force Commission [sec.39(1)] for 3 years GN 641/2017​​21-03-2017 until
The Most Honourable Order of the Crown of BruneiSUP. V.1
The Most Esteemed Family OrderSUP. V.2
The Most Blessed Order of Setia Negara BruneiSUP. V.3
The Most Gallant Order of Pahlawan Negara BruneiSUP. V.4
The Most Faithful Order of Perwira Negara BruneiSUP. V.5
The Brunei Meritorious Service MedalSUP. V.6
RUBBER DEALERS ACT [1984 Ed.]CAP. 6401-01-19211/1984
Rubber Dealers (Licensed Dealers and Fees) RulesCAP. 64
Appointment of Director of Agriculture as Licensing Officer
CAP. 64

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